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Preparing for the Holidays

There were no severe money trials that season, nothing that should have kept me from enjoying Christmas but… I couldn’t put my finger on it… there was this sense of a lack of satisfaction… an unsettled feeling. - See more at: http://www.itakejoy.com/how-to-have-the-holiday-season-you-desire/#sthash.AfmJEGeA.dpuf
Soon after that, I was reading an article (magazine… book?) about this very thing. In it, the author said she learned to write out what it was she wanted from the Christmas season, what was most important to her. When I started doing that, I realized why the previous season had been lacking in joy. - See more at: http://www.itakejoy.com/how-to-have-the-holiday-season-you-desire/#sthash.AfmJEGeA.dpuf
Soon after that, I was reading an article (magazine… book?) about this very thing. In it, the author said she learned to write out what it was she wanted from the Christmas season, what was most important to her. When I started doing that, I realized why the previous season had been lacking in joy. - See more at: http://www.itakejoy.com/how-to-have-the-holiday-season-you-desire/#sthash.AfmJEGeA.dpuf
I decided my annual "preparing for the Holidays" reminder would be good for this month's I Take Joy* post... just brushed off, spiffed up, and made more recent.  :)

Soon after that, I was reading an article (magazine… book?) about this very thing. In it, the author said she learned to write out what it was she wanted from the Christmas season, what was most important to her. When I started doing that, I realized why the previous season had been lacking in joy. - See more at: http://www.itakejoy.com/how-to-have-the-holiday-season-you-desire/#sthash.AfmJEGeA.dpuf
Soon after that, I was reading an article (magazine… book?) about this very thing. In it, the author said she learned to write out what it was she wanted from the Christmas season, what was most important to her. When I started doing that, I realized why the previous season had been lacking in joy. - See more at: http://www.itakejoy.com/how-to-have-the-holiday-season-you-desire/#sthash.AfmJEGeA.dpuf
Soon after that, I was reading an article (magazine… book?) about this very thing. In it, the author said she learned to write out what it was she wanted from the Christmas season, what was most important to her. When I started doing that, I realized why the previous season had been lacking in joy. - See more at: http://www.itakejoy.com/how-to-have-the-holiday-season-you-desire/#sthash.AfmJEGeA.dpuf
Yes, it's that time again.  Thanksgiving (American Thanksgiving that is) is just a few weeks away!

You can read the new and improved version... here.
Soon after that, I was reading an article (magazine… book?) about this very thing. In it, the author said she learned to write out what it was she wanted from the Christmas season, what was most important to her. When I started doing that, I realized why the previous season had been lacking in joy. - See more at: http://www.itakejoy.com/how-to-have-the-holiday-season-you-desire/#sthash.AfmJEGeA.dpuf

* The Mom Heart blog has combined with the I Take Joy blog.

Artwork:  Season of Peace: allposters.com

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