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My Word Play Answers

If you weren't around yesterday, have a quick read of this and then come back! For those of you who participated, thanks so much, it was great fun! Some of you had some very interesting ideas. Lenny suggested a REALLY CLEVER option for Water and Table which blew my mind: H2O on the table of elements. How cool is that? And Matt went all out and wrote me full metaphorical sentences! Some of you even chose the same as me. But the ones that NO ONE got the same as me were Book and Therapist, Party and Man, Sidewalk and Grey Wool, Chinese meal and Sex. Shows how differently our creative minds work, huh???
Hart, you cracked me up big time with your answers! Thanks so much for the laugh!!!!

OK. Here're mine:

Photos and Nail Polish: They both have a glossy or matt finish.
Book and Therapist: They both give you the opportunity to turn a new leaf.
Drugs and Mountains: They both get you high.
Bees and Tattoos: They both sting.
Cappuccino and Shampoo: They both foam.
Water and Table: They both have a surface.
Party and Man: They both have nuts you can nibble on at your leisure. (hehehahaha)
Sidewalk and Grey Wool: They are both made from asphalt / ash felt.
Human body and Leaf: They both have veins.
Chinese meal and Sex: They shouldn't end until you get your 'cookie'!
PS: Here's one from my sister. Magician and Brothel: One has a stunning array of stunts, the other a stunning array of ... *ahem*.

So how did you go? How many of your answers matched mine? You got any random objects to test me with?

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