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We're back...

The William Shatner School of Toupological Studies' annual symposium has come to an end yielding several crucial developments, agreements and projects. The full report will soon be published by the WSSTS, but in the meantime, we thought we'd bring you at least a couple of pictorial highlights.

Here, several of our toupologists meet with US President Barack Obama at the White House (unfortunately, the photographer only managed to snap the image from behind):

And here, the head of the WSSTS meets with French President Nicolas Sarkozy (unfortunately, the photographer again framed the photo poorly):

On a related note, many of you would have heard that the US TV network CBS has picked up the @#$! My Dad Says pilot that Bill Shatner made not long ago. This likely means that, barring a ratings catastrophe, at least 13 shows of the series will be produced.

Over the last few weeks, the WSSSTS was deeply involved in negotiations with CBS over whether or not to pick up this series. Naturally, the toupee was at the very center of these discussions, with some parties at CBS wanting a new toup (despite the fact that the pilot contained the familiar "Denny Crane" look), others no toup, and others yet arguing that familiarity was the best way forward. Our mediation proved crucial, and though we favored and argued for something new, ultimately we realized that the only way the series would be made was with the current look.

However, and somewhat interestingly, Bill Shatner's character has a bald son in the show - does that mean that the dad wears a toupee?

As to whether the show will actually be funny (basing a show around one-liners might be tricky), entertaining and a ratings hit - only time will tell...

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