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The Glee of Rejection- Loser like Me Remix

Howdy.  Is everyone going to Write On Con?  It's been awesome right?

Anyway, as you know I'm querying.  I feel like I'm rounding the end of my querying process.  Which I'm sure I'll be writing about that soon.

It's a process that can really bum you out.   Rejections are par for the course.  Right around the time I started querying I found this song and it sort of pumped me up.  In fact I think it was the best song of the entire awful season 2 of Glee.   So I'm going to post the lyrics to Loser Like Me and next to the lyrics I'm going to post how it relates to the query process.

Yeah, you may think that I'm a zero  
I know you get a lot of queries in your inbox
But, hey, everyone you wanna be         
But I promise my book is different.
Probably started off like me                  
But not so different it would be impossible to sell
You may say that I'm a freakshow (I don't care)   
Well freakshow is a little harsh- fangirl maybe
But, hey, give me just a little time           
Seriously if you can get past my query I think you'll really
I bet you're gonna change your mind     
my book. It's funny and sweet and there's dick jokes

All of the dirt you've been throwin' my way   
Ok so you rejected me
It ain't so hard to take, that's right                   
That's cool, I only need one agent to like it.
'Cause I know one day you'll be screamin' my name  
Well you most likely won't be
And I'll just look away, that's right                    
I'm not going to look away, that's really rude

Just go ahead and hate on me and run your mouth 
I'd really appreciated it if you didn't do that
So everyone can hear                                                 
Because Twitter hurts my feelings
Hit me with the worst you got and knock me down
If the worst is a rejection, that's cool
Baby, I don't care                                                        
It's a totally subjective business
Keep it up, and soon enough you'll figure out            
I understand that it's not a project you can get
You wanna be                                                              
Passionate about.  No really I get it.  You'll be
You wanna be                                                         
stuck with me for a while and if it's not something
A loser like me                                                            
you don't love, then what a miserable time we'll
A loser like me                                                            
both have.

(Cory Monteith/Finn)

Push me up against the locker                                
You requested material, and still rejected
And hey, all I do is shake it off                               
That's fine.  I can shake it off.
I'll get you back when I'm your boss                       
I'm never going to be your boss, I just don't see that
I'm not thinkin' 'bout you haters                              
happening any time soon. 
'Cause hey, I could be a superstar                          
If it doesn't happen with this book it'll happen with
I'll see you when you wash my car                      

All of the dirt you've been throwin' my way     
Another rejection, yeah that's cool, I don't know
It ain't so hard to take, that's right                      
what I was thinking when I hit the send button
'Cause I know one day you'll be screamin' my name      
Maybe one day I'll tweet something cute and
And I'll just look away, that's right                                  
you'll retweet me

Just go ahead and hate on me and run your mouth   
Again I should repeat don't run your mouth
So everyone can hear                                                
This is just good advice for everyone
Hit me with the worst you got and knock me down 
Unless maybe you're a rapper, then it seems to be
Baby, I don't care                                                     
a really good business model for you.
Keep it up, and soon enough you'll figure out           
But it didn't work well for Megan Fox and writers
You wanna be                                                             
it's not going to work well for you.  Really it's
You wanna be                                                           
going to make you look petty.  I don't recommend it
A loser like me                                                          
It will make you look like a loser.  Not a loser
A loser like me                                                         
like me because I fail a lot but I'm not bitter about
A loser like me                                                        

Hey, you, over there                                                 
Hey look I followed EVERY submission guideline
Keep the L up-up in the air                     
I even created a separate document on my hard dive for you
Hey, you, over there                               
I even read five interview and read every tweet for the past
Keep the L up, 'cause I don't care           
two months, just to make sure we were a good match
You can throw your sticks, and you can throw your stones   
Oh it's still a no.  Um ok. I understand
Like a rocket, just watch me go                                
I'll just free up some hard drive space.
Yeah, l-o-s-e-r                                              
This is when they SPELL in the song, I don't like that.
I can only be who I are                              
Really? Glee, you're going to rhyme "r" with "are" 

I mean Glee I guess that's not as bad as when Train
Just go ahead and hate on me and run your mouth 
rhymed President with President in Meet Virgina
So everyone can hear                                              
That's inexcusable.
Hit me with the worst you got and knock me down  
I mean really NO ONE at the record company
Baby, I don't care                                                     
caught that?  Seriously?  it's the SAME WORD
Keep it up, and soon enough you'll figure out    
There are NO other words in the English Language
You wanna be                                                   
that end in 'Ent'?  rent, cement, lament. 
You wanna be                                                     
Yep, Train I'm going to go ahead and call it a total
A loser like me                                                 
fail on your part.  It's a great song but that one part
A loser like me                                                      
of the song just is so jarring to my ear.

Just go ahead and hate on me and run your mouth    
Wasn't that your first big hit?  Seriously!
So everyone can hear                                               
Hold on, let me wiki something
Hit me with the worst you got and knock me down
Ok you didn't win a grammy for it like I thought
Baby, I don't care                                                       
but it DID Go to number 15 on the sales charts.
Keep it up, and soon enough you'll figure out       
Come on.  You rhymed the SAME WORD. 
You wanna be                                                           
It's not like it was a common music word either
You wanna be                                                        
like love, or kiss, or me.  No it was PRESIDENT
A loser like me (A loser like me)                          
God that pisses me off so much.
A loser like me (A loser like me)                             
Like WAY MORE than being rejected by an agent
A loser like me                                                      
Loser like me my ass.  

Of course I didn't rhyme  a single thing in this little exercise. 

So there you go.  A VERY rational reaction to getting rejected, putting a positive spin on it and why Train sucks.  Ok I'll admit it, I do really like the band. One mistake isn't enough to turn me off of a bands entire work but still it's VERY annoying.

For those of you with youtube at work here's GLEE Loser Like Me

This is some weird fan video of Meet Virgina by Train

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