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Notes from the Eldritch Conspiracies Campaign

Last week we kicked off a new campaign using The Sixth Gun RPG; this was my first in-person session since we wrapped up Return to Freeport in March of 2020. I'll be posting my session notes here. 


Notes from the Eldritch Conspiracies Campaign


Al—Kris Ekerson—Sorcerer

Aric—Ollie Mitchell—London “gutter rat”

Brent—Pip Wallace—American cowboy

Geof—Arthur Lake—Detective

Michael—Alan Davies—British soldier

28 September 2021—“The Depths of Depravity”

The heroes found themselves late on an evening out in the streets of London. Shouts from the door of a public house brought them running to where a bear was chasing the keeper! The bear withstood several gunshots and a magical attack before Arthur Entangled it and somebody scored the kill shot. Closer examination revealed that it had started foaming at the mouth.

Inside the pub the heroes tracked the bear back through the premises to a snug (private room) in the corner, where a door led into the adjacent warehouse. There they found evidence of an animal fighting ring, with cages lined along one wall. Pip noticed—and put out of their misery—some dogs that were also infected.

Finally, a swarm of rats erupted from the sewer drain in the middle of the fighting pit. Arthur tried to Entangle them, too, and Pip started them on fire with a lantern, but they escaped and swarmed Alan. Kris finally slew them with a Bolt. A constable arrived on the scene, by the name of Frank Roode. He asked the heroes to help him investigate, fearing that this could disrupt the Queen's jubilee.

12 October 2021—“The Depths of Depravity”

The heroes ventured down into the sewers; Ollie found tracks from the diseased rats. At a junction they found a cat that coughed up a demonoid like a furball! Arthur tried to jump the gap, but fell into the sewer channel. On seeing the demon, Pip was terrified and developed a phobia of cats. The demon attacked Arthur, but he managed to fend it off. When Frank Roode saw it, he had a heart attack! Pip attacked the demon with his tomahawk and slammed the hammer on his pistol, but failed to harm it. Finally Kris slew it with a big Bolt, and then Healed Frank.

The trail led to a junction beneath the privy in an apothecary's shop. Alan tried to sneak up into the place, but failed. The heroes were confronted by the inhabitants, including an occultist and a few mercenaries. Arthur invoked Fear in the toughs, and then slew the occultist with a Bolt.

In the aftermath, a pigeon landed outside the building; Alan saw and captured it, revealing the message that it carried:

The members of the Order are in place, ready to usurp the ceremony for our own ritual.

We will strike during the high point of summer, in the ancient and revered location.

Kris recognized references to Stonehenge and the summer solstice, which would happen later that day. Given that, Constable Roode asked the heroes to help him investigate further, and they agreed to do so.

2 November 2021—“A Midsummer Nightmare”

After a bit of rest, and changes of clothes, the heroes boarded a train headed for Salisbury, the closest station to Stonehenge. During the trip, Pip noticed a pair of riders on horses approaching the train; one climbed atop it, while the other took the bridle of his horse and followed. Arthur used his Entangle power to stop the horses and remaining rider in their tracks. The other raider managed to cross the top of that passenger car, drop down onto the one in front of it, and then separate the cars. Ollie and Alan managed to jump the gap, however; Alan re-coupled the cars, with help from Pip, and Arthur inflicted Fear on the raider.

A quick interrogation revealed that the raider was a hired shepherd, Jean; he works for a landowner named Philip LeBlanc. Although the other passengers aboard the train were alarmed by these events, Pip convinced them that it was all a wild wet reenactment. Kris recognized the influence of the Cabal.

During the rest of the trip, Kris told a story about his aunt Myrtle, who taught him the ways of magic...

Arriving at Stonehenge, the heroes explored the scene, where numerous pro-Irish people were advocating for independence. Part of their protest involved burning a wicker man, ostensibly using dummies for the victims. Ollie noticed, however, that the “dummies” were actual people.

16 November 2021—“A Midsummer Nightmare”

The heroes confirmed that the false effigies were people who'd been drugged with some kind of sleeping potion. They surveyed the scene and made a plan. Ollie and Alan slipped into the tent in which the victims were being prepared, and attacked the occultist, but he survived. At the same time, Arthur killed one of the dogs guarding the wicker man using a bolt. Meanwhile, Pip approached the guards intending to distract them, but they started roughing him up. Ollie finished off the occultist, while Kris put down more mercenaries and one of the dogs. Inside the tent, Ollie grabbed the scrolls (copied from the Lesser Key of Solomon), vials containing a potion of Slumber and a cashbox.

Outside, the heroes set fire to the empty wicker man. When the assembled crowd protested, Arthur babbled about Celtic magic, while Pip revealed the “effigies” as real people—lower-class citizens of London. Once the crowd was mollified, the heroes took their loot and headed back to London.

30 November 2021—“Fortune & Glory”

Having received an invitation from Constable Roode, the heroes met at the Sign of the Dancing Bear. Kris, Ollie and Alan arrived first, and found that Roode was not there. They all noticed, however, when a street urchin entered the establishment, surveyed the scene, and then headed in their direction—and was followed by some tough-looking thugs. Pip came in late, behind the thugs. When the thugs tried to capture the urchin, Pip rushed to his aid; the cowboy took some punishment for it but kept them occupied. Kris used a Bolt and its target to clear the bar! The leader of the goons went after Ollie, who made him pay with some hatchet strikes. After that the heroes finished off the rest of the goons, and Pip paid the bartender to make up for the mess.

The urchin led the heroes down to a pier, where Roode was being held aboard a boat lying at anchor. The heroes marched down the pier to intervene, and Ollie shot down one of the guards before he could bring his shotgun to bear. Pip fanned the hammer! Kris took a blast from a shotgun, but was not seriously hurt. Alan leapt aboard, too, and managed to avoid some knife attacks. When Ollie joined the fray, he missed with his attacks, but found a downed goon's shotgun. Meanwhile, the occultist had used Boost Trait to increase shooting, and then tried to kill Roode. Kris healed the constable, however, after the heroes defeat the occultist. Among other loot, they found a mysterious cipher.

14 December 2021—“Fortune & Glory”

The heroes pondered the cipher, and recognized it as book-based. They considered the Bible as the possible key, but instead chose Romeo and Juliet because of the symbols on it. They deciphered the message and so headed to Cleopatra's Needle, on the west bank of the Thames. Kris granted Darksight to Pip and Alan, who went into the water and discovered a concealed niche. Inside that they found a map of an island, with another message.

Inside the Pillars of Hercules, between the Major and the Minor lies Prospero's Island.

Approach when the Major and the Minor stand one atop the other.

There, follow the serpent's track to his lair.”

Out of the blue an imp attacked, trying to steal the map. The heroes hit it with a barrage of attacks—Bolts from Kris and Arthur, and bullets from Pip and Alan—and slew it.

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